Travel subsidy
The deadline for travel subsidies for Victorian delegates has been extended! Applications are open until Wednesday 22 November 2017
Early Childhood Australia (ECA) is committed to supporting the diversity of individuals and organisations working to strengthen the well-being of young children.
We recognise that some individuals and organisations may find it difficult to participate in the forum due to limited resources and/or long travel distances. ECA is offering a single rate subsidy to allow more services the opportunity to attend. Subsidies can be used to pay a proportion of travel, accommodation or registration costs at the discretion of the individual or their employer. The applicant must be prepared to:
- attend the full 2 days of the forum
- be available to meet their travel subsidy sponsor and have photos taken for later inclusion in media and promotion by both ECA and the sponsor
- provide feedback on the forum and the value of the subsidy following the forum.
The allocation of subsidies will be administered by ECA with priority given to applications from registered early childhood education and care services that are:
- individuals/small organisations working in regional, rural or remote locations
- practitioners supporting disadvantaged or at-risk children
Northern Territory Government are sponsoring two travel subsidies for educators representing the NT, from the northern and southern region of the Territory. We invite applicants from the Northern Territory to apply specifically for these two travel subsidies.
The Victorian Department of Education and Training is sponsoring travel subsidies for educators from rural and remote Victoria attending the Live Wires Forum. We invite applicants from Victoria to apply specifically for these subsidies.
All funds will sit in a sponsorship pool and will be administered from there based merit through the application process. ECA will contact the successful applicants.
All suitable applicants will be eligible for $880.00 (incl. GST) to attend the ECA Live Wires Forum, 24–25 November 2017 in Melbourne.
How to apply
If you are from Victoria and would like to apply for a travel subsidy to attend the Live Wires Forum, please call ECA Customer Service now on 02 6242 1800 or email no later than COB Wednesday 22 November 2017.
Applications for a subsidy will be assessed individually and a response provided within 30 working days. The decision to provide a subsidy is at the discretion of ECA; the subsidies will no longer be available once funds have been committed. We will notify you via email of the outcome of your application and, if successful, the funds will be deposited into your nominated bank account following the conference.