2024 ECA SPROuts Awards


Since 2005, the SPROuts Practice Awards have inspired members of the early childhood community and had a significant influence on the integration of sustainable practices into the operations and curriculum of early childhood services in New South Wales. In 2023 the SPROuts Practice Awards went national and was open to all ECA Service Members.

We are excited to announce that the 2024 SPROuts Practice Awards are open again to all ECA members of Early Childhood Australia (ECA). Applications submitted between Friday 13 September and 31st October 2024 will be considered, with the winner announced in late November 2024

The awards will showcase projects implemented by ECA members that demonstrate children are caring for the environment and contributing to a sustainable future. The awards are looking for projects that have had an evolution over time—and is embedded in the service.

As Sue Elliott states, ‘The grassroots passion and commitment that have initiated, promoted and supported environmental education are to be acknowledged’ (Elliot, 2003).

To be eligible for the award, entrants must be current ECA members. Membership forms are available on the ECA website here.

The prizes

Each year your membership contributes to the continuation of ECA’s work which includes advocating for sustainability within early education, offering affordable educational workshops, and recognising and awarding quality sustainable practices. All winning entries will be made available to ECA members so the great work early education is achieving within Education for Sustainability (EfS) is shared.

The prize of $1,000 and a sustainability bundle of ECA resources will be awarded to the winner’s early learning service. Please note that this is not a payment to an individual. 

The Application

Award applications must be completed by completing the application form. We have provided some guidelines to help you.


Create a project title: Use a simple creative descriptive title


Tell the story: In 300 words or less, describe the project. You may like to include:

  • the inspiration for change
  • how the project reflected the service community and supported families to engage
  • the input from educators at the service
  • how the project actively engaged children in learning and was represented within the curriculum.
  • How does your projects align with the 3 cores of  sustainability i.e. the integration of environmental, social and economic elements.


Link the learning: In 500 words or less, describe the results of the project and how the change impacted those involved. Gather stories of change, including from the children. How were the changes linked to the category you have selected for this project?

Best practice will demonstrate the Education for Sustainability (EfS) is:

  • based on critical reflection
  • embedded within the service practices
  • genuinely engaging for families and the community.

Consider how your project fits into the bigger picture of EfS across the seven quality areas of the National Quality Standards (NQS)


Consider future potential: In 300 words or less, tell us where you see this project going. Has it influenced any further change? Who will carry things forward? What differences will your project make in the future? It is desirable that projects have an advocacy component which demonstrates children as capable and competent with agency. If not yet included within this project, you might consider describing how this might be expanded upon with advocacy.


Format: The application must be submitted via the online form (see ‘Submit Your Application’ below), this form allows for photos to be uploaded, in addition, you may wish to submit a short video clip (under 5 minutes). Please see permissions.

Application have now closed

Applications for the 2024
SPROuts Awards are now closed
(Closing date: 31st October 2024)

Important Details

Sharing the applications

ECA requests that applications have permission to be uploaded to the members-only section of our website to share with and inspire other ECA members. They may also be used in our publications. By submitting your application, you acknowledge and agree.

Permission for use of photos on website

All photos used in the submission must have written permission for use by participant, or in the case of children, by parent/guardian. Please keep these permissions at the service. If not possible, we suggest you either blank out a face using relevant software or use photos without identifiable faces.

Video submissions

Producing a short video (under five minutes) may enhance your application but is not required. If you wish to add a video, it must have all relevant permissions. It will not be shared on the website but may be used in ECA presentations and award evenings, where it will be acknowledged.


A panel of independent judges including those with sustainability backgrounds will select the SPROuts Practice Awards for excellence. When deciding which stories to share in your application we suggest you discuss these with your teams, families and even the children to consider which stories demonstrate the most significant impact? The panel will be looking for evidence of the child as capable and competent with agency, as well as the exceeding themes as discussed above, and how this project has worked across various Quality Standards.

Important Dates


13th September 2024

Applications Open


31st October 2024

Applications Close


Late November 2024

Winners Announced


Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (2023). Guide to the National Quality Framework. https://www.acecqa.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-03/Guide-to-the-NQF-March-2023.pdf

Davis, J. (2015). Young children and the environment: Early education for sustainability (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press Australia.

Early Childhood Australia (ECA). (2016). Code of ethics. https://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/our-publications/eca-code-of-ethics/

ECEEN. (2019). EcoSmart: A sustainable standard for early educations (2nd ed.). Pademelon Press.

Elliot, S. (2003). Patches of green: Early childhood environmental education in Australia. NSW EPA.

United Nations (UN). (2015). Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development. https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/21252030%20Agenda%20for%20Sustainable%20Development%20web.pdf 


ECA Essentials: Sustainability in Early Childhood

Recommended for anyone who works with children from birth to eight years of age. It starts by looking at the big picture and exploring key changes in thinking over time. This text offers both theoretical and pedagogical insights as foundational for engaging with sustainability. The authors encourage critical reflection and action steps for change in your service and challenge you to robustly step forward on all sustainability fronts.

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