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ECA's Position on the Upcoming Federal Budget 2024
As the Federal Budget approaches, Early Childhood Australia urgently calls for the government to invest in early childhood education and care. It’s time to reform the Activity Test for the Child Care Subsidy, ensuring all children have access to education, regardless of their family’s circumstances. Additionally, we seek government commitment to increase wages and improve conditions for early childhood educators, recognising their vital role in our children’s development. Find out more and add your voice on ECA’s social media.

ECA Welcomes the Appointment of a National Commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children
ECA welcomes this important new position and celebrates the advocacy efforts of SNAICC in making this happen. As the peak national advocacy body for children from birth to eight years, their families and early childhood professionals, ECA invites the new Commissioner to engage with us to work together and will formally acknowledge the appointment of the Commissioner at the ECA Reconciliation Symposium.

ECA's Support for the YES Campaign for a Voice to Parliament
Early Childhood Australia (ECA) is honoured to lend our voice and support to the Yes Campaign for a Voice to Parliament and the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
ECA is in full support of the Voice to Parliament and we are proud to actively support the Yes Campaign. We believe that this is an important step forward toward a reconciled nation which is an important legacy for Australian children.

Early Learning Matters Every Day, But It’s Critically Important Right Now
Posted on July 27, 2023 by Sam Page and Dan Leach-McGill on The Spoke
Early Matters Week for 2023 has come to a close and is atimely reminder to consider the significant of current policy interest in the early years. Learn more about why early learning matters every day in our latest blog article with Sam Page and Dan Leach-McGill.

Moving from Vision to Action on Universal Early Childhood Education and Care
Posted on June, 2023 by Early Childhood Australia
Learn more about Early Childhood Australia’s Submission to Productivity Commission Inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Care, “Moving from Vision to Action on Universal Early Childhood Education and Care.”

Setting the record straight on misguided claims about ECEC and the value of qualified educators
Posted on July 13, 2023 by Sam Page on The Spoke
The piece ‘Maybe childcare staff need fewer degrees?’ by Aaron Patrick in the AFR 12 July 2023 is both ill-informed and misleading. If you haven’t seen it, here is the abridged version – the commercial childcare industry is charging inflated prices hurting families because of rules that ‘force centres to hire more, better-educated staff’ and ‘ratio rules make caring for babies and infants twice as expensive as looking after three-to-five-year-olds’.