Every Child magazine puts the spotlight on the early years of childhood.
Published quarterly and beautifully designed in full-colour, it contains informative articles on such issues as health, education and social trends, and also book reviews, profiles and guest statements from well-known identities. Articles focus on aspects of early childhood from a grassroots, local level, but also look into political and national developments.
Aimed at anyone involved in the care and education of young children, Every Child is topical, diverse, but always entertaining.
The lively, easy-to-read early childhood magazine is ideal for:
- students
- early childhood educators
- parents
- grandparents
- anyone who wants to keep up-to-date on events and developments around Australia that impact on children from birth to eight years or on the early childhood field in general.
Click here to view articles from past issues of Every Child.
Subscribe to Every Child magazine today. (Please note: Costs are tax deductible for early childhood professionals.)