Helping children with difficult things
Author: Pam Linke
Published: 2018
Pages: 32
ECA code: RIP1801
Difficulties are a part of everyone’s life. How we respond to them enhances or undermines our coping skills and resilience. Difficulties can be as small as a change in situation or routine, or as large as losing someone close to us. The situations and events that are hard
for infants and young children are often very different from those that are hard for adults.
This book is about:
• understanding stress in infants and young children
• recognising the signs of stress in infancy and early childhood
• responding in ways that support children’s developing sense of security, agency and confidence.
It takes a developmental approach, discussing likely stressors at different stages of development, while acknowledging the importance of individual children’s experience and context. It highlights strategies for educators to cope with everyday stresses, and provides guidance in supporting children who are exposed to more serious and damaging stressful events in their lives.
This book also includes a section for adults, introducing some responses to situations and questions from children that can be challenging. The main message is that infants and young children respond to stress in different ways, many through behaviour changes; and that it is important for children to have an appropriate and supportive response from the adults in their lives, in order to overcome present difficulties, to use their abilities for learning and development rather than reacting to anxiety and trauma, and to develop skills that will stand them in good stead in the future.
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