
ECA is committed to the inclusion of every child in early childhood education and care. Inclusion means that every child has access to, participates meaningfully in, and experiences positive outcomes from early childhood education and care programs. Inclusion resources are an important part of how we support high quality early childhood education and care. You can access these resources and links from this page.

Inclusion in early childhood – free resources and professional learning

The ECA Learning Hub, in collaboration with sector experts, has developed a collection of free inclusion resource for educators at every stage of their career. The Access, participation and positive outcomes: Inclusion in early childhood resource includes a series of short animations in accessible language, a 12-episode podcast series, a collection of online self-paced professional learning courses and a set of downloadable e-books with practical approaches to supporting children’s development.

These resources have been designed to support increased knowledge, skills and confidence in the inclusion of children with a diagnosed disability, but also children with other factors that may affect their general wellbeing and engagement in early

Explore these free inclusion resources on the ECA learning hub.

This project was funded by the Department of Education’s Inclusion Support Program.

Statement on the inclusion of children in early childhood education and care

Inclusion ensures that all children participate meaningfully while learning and interacting in programs that acknowledge each child’s strengths and interests, so that they are supported to be active members of their community. Inclusion is important for many reasons. It implements current thinking about child development; supports children’s rights; implements the legal standards for early childhood education and care; and is good professional practice. Inclusion fosters diversity and overcomes any barriers that might exist to ensure that every child experiences quality early childhood education and care.

This statement explains inclusion. It outlines why inclusion is important, and it sets out what is required from everyone involved in the delivery of early childhood education and care to ensure inclusion of every child. 

View the Statement on the inclusion of children in early childhood education and care.

Please also find the accompanying Factsheet on The experience of inclusion and exclusion in early childhood education and care available for download here.

Statement on inclusion of children with disability

In 2012, Early Childhood Australia (ECA) collaborated with Reimagine Australia (formerly known as Early Childhood Intervention Australia) to produce a Joint statement on the inclusion of children with disability in early childhood education and care. This joint position statement by ECA and ECIA set out our shared commitment to inclusion in early childhood education and care (ECEC). Its purpose is to create a vision for high quality inclusive practices in early childhood education and care. It will assist everyone in ECEC services, as well as support professionals, to fully include children with a disability and to achieve high quality outcomes for all children. It will also provide a framework for the development and implementation of policy and programs designed for all young children. The inclusive practices promoted by the position statement are characterised by the strong collaborative partnerships between children, families, early childhood educators and support professionals that are widely recognised as a cornerstone of high quality inclusive practice in ECEC programs.

View the Statement on inclusion of children with disability.

Useful links

Reimagine Australia

Useful resources

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