The first year of school is a vital time in a child's life
New edition!
Starting primary school is an important milestone for families and children. For over 15 years, Early Childhood Australia and the Australian Primary Principals Association have created this comprehensive guide, filled with practical tips to help families support their child’s transition to school. Written in an easy-to-read format, this book breaks down the challenges and expectations of starting school for families, children, teachers and educators alike.

The publication of this book is an exciting joint initiative by ECA and APPA to support parents and schools in making the first year of school a successful and happy one for young children.

Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA) is the national professional association for primary school principals.

Early Childhood Australia (ECA) is the peak non-profit, non-government early childhood advocacy organisation.

Supporting educators and teachers
The First Year at School guidebook provides a range of practical tips for educators to assist them in a child’s transition to school. Whether you’re a pre-school educator or year one educator, this guidebook gives you the tools to talk to parents, carers and the children about their first year at school.
This guidebook is beneficial for educators as it provides practical tips to use in the classroom, including: tools to manage expectations and increase parents’ satisfaction with the school, resources for pre-school educators to assist in answering common questions from parents and carers, and explain the roles of parents, carers and educators in a child’s transition to school.
Explore additional resources tailored to educators and teachers to assist children and families with their transition to primary school.

Transition to school: Communication and relationships
This book supports educators in implementing EYLF-aligned early childhood pedagogy and practice in relation to children’s transition to school.

Self-regulation of emotions
This Everyday Learning Series title outlines what children learn about emotions in the early years and provides a range of practical strategies that educators can use to support children.

Play-based learning and intentionality
The book outline models, approaches and practices that can help educators and children engage in rich learning that builds on children’s interests, knowledge and capabilities.
Supporting families
The First Year at School can be new adventure for many families and can sometimes be overwhelming. The First Year at School guidebook is a comprehensive book filled with practical tips to help families support their child’s transition to school.
This guidebook talks about what parents and carers want to know as their child starts school, including: teaching children about friendships, overcoming shyness and how to support them when they are lonely, adjusting to your child’s own unique pattern of learning and development, and how to communicate positively to strengthen your relationship with your child.
Explore resources designed for families to help prepare your child for their first year at school.

Prepping for school success by Julie Dore
This book is full of helpful tips, tricks and practical advice. Prepping for School Success is easy to read, informative, and humorous. Recommended to families preparing their child for school (and life).

School readiness by Maree Aldwinckle
Discover this blog article on The Spoke that explores the concept of school readiness and how we can use better terms to describe children preparing for their transition to school.

Parent involvement from early childhood to primary school
The Spoke article discusses how parents can best help their children with their schooling (without actually doing it for them).
Supporting Children's transition to school for over 15 years
The first year of school is a vital time in a child’s life and there are many ways in which parents and educators can help a child have a happy and satisfying beginning to the great adventure of their school years. The first year of school is a vital time in a child’s life and there are many ways in which parents and educators can help a child have a happy and satisfying beginning to the great adventure of their school years. For over 15 years, APPA and ECA have published this book to support parents, carers, and educators in facilitating a smooth transition to school for children.