Early Childhood Australia has committees in each state and territory across Australia.
The State and Territory committees are an integral part of the organisation; they help identify issues and priorities for state and national action, and influence policies concerning young children. Committees are a great source of professional support and development for Early Childhood Australia members, with great networking opportunities.
Click through below for more information on each committee:
Committees play a major role in Early Childhood Australia’s position statement development process, as members of national position statement working parties or by taking carriage of a particular position statement area.
Committees elect members to represent them at a national level, ensuring that the organisation stays informed on issues of national importance and local impacts. This provides members with the opportunity to inform and influence the direction and focus of the national body of Early Childhood Australia.
Each Early Childhood Australia committee elects four delegates to the Annual National Council Meeting and one delegate to the National Board of Directors. Find out more about the structure of Early Childhood Australia here.
Each of the committees publishes a regular member newsletter focusing on local initiatives, as well as issues of national importance.
Become a member of Early Childhood Australia
For more information, contact us:
t: 1800 356 900 (free-call)
e: membership@earlychildhood.org.au
Find out more about membership with ECA here
Early Childhood Australia Resource Kits
ECA has a number of resource kits that can assist with organising meetings, planning budgets, and other events. View and download the ECA Resource Kits here