In this issue, Early Childhood Australia (ECA) responds to Malcolm
Turnbull's National Press Club address regarding the Jobs for Families
Childcare Package.
ECA also voices its stance on the proposed nation-wide phonics
assessment and the development of a numeracy check for Year 1
In other news, registrations are still open for the 2017
Reconciliation Symposium; the Secretariat of National Aboriginal
Islander Child Care (SNAICC) has expressed concerns over the statistics
in the latest annual Report on Government Services
(RoGS); and research
from the Institute of Social Science Research has found that paid
parental leave is beneficial to breastfeeding mums. Schools back!
The Australian
Physiotherapy Association (APA) suggests some benefits to
children carrying medium-weighted school bags. Are you putting safety
first? Remember to slow down when driving in school
zones and check
your child's immunisations are up to date. Also
looking after the
safety of children, the 'Stop The Clock' awareness
website is a
positive step towards stopping child abuse; and a $10
million funding
boost is set to tackle the issue of youth suicide in Indigenous
communities. The Third Action Plan of Protecting
Children is Everyone's Business has been released and Regulation
238A has been extended to 31 December 2017. The Shaping
Spaces for Gen
Z—International Forum is coming up on 8 March 2017 in Canberra; and
tenders close
2.00 pm, 24 February 2017 for Early
Childhood Facilities—Crows Nest,
Goodna, Kawana Waters, Seaforth and Nanango. And finally, we
fill you in on the latest state and territory news.
Jump down to
find out what the various ECA teams and projects have been up to and
the new resources available for the early childhood sector.