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Early Childhood Australia WebWatch

The latest early childhood news!

In this issue, Early Childhood Australia (ECA) responds to Malcolm Turnbull's National Press Club address regarding the Jobs for Families Childcare Package. ECA also voices its stance on the proposed nation-wide phonics assessment and the development of a numeracy check for Year 1 children. In other news, registrations are still open for the 2017 ECA Reconciliation Symposium; the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC) has expressed concerns over the statistics in the latest annual Report on Government Services (RoGS); and research from the Institute of Social Science Research has found that paid parental leave is beneficial to breastfeeding mums. Schools back! The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) suggests some benefits to children carrying medium-weighted school bags. Are you putting safety first? Remember to slow down when driving in school zones and check your child's immunisations are up to date. Also looking after the safety of children, the 'Stop The Clock' awareness website is a positive step towards stopping child abuse; and a $10 million funding boost is set to tackle the issue of youth suicide in Indigenous communities. The Third Action Plan of Protecting Children is Everyone's Business has been released and Regulation 238A has been extended to 31 December 2017. The Shaping Spaces for Gen Z—International Forum is coming up on 8 March 2017 in Canberra; and tenders close 2.00 pm, 24 February 2017 for Early Childhood Facilities—Crows Nest, Goodna, Kawana Waters, Seaforth and Nanango. And finally, we fill you in on the latest state and territory news.

Jump down to find out what the various ECA teams and projects have been up to and the new resources available for the early childhood sector.


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Investing in child care
One of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's priorities this year is passing the Jobs for Families Childcare Package. Early Childhood Australia (ECA) is supportive of improving childcare assistance, especially for vulnerable children. However, ECA rejects this bill being linked to Family Tax Benefits cuts. Improving access to quality early learning will provide long-term gains to the economy. For more information see the full ABC story quoting ECA's CEO Sam Page.


Targeted investment
The annual Report on Government Services (RoGS) has revealed the increasing numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children being removed by child protection authorities and placed in out-of-home care. The Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC) has expressed concerns and calls for more targeted investment in early intervention and preventative measures.


Protecting a critical bond
The Turnbull Government's cuts to paid parental leave may potentially hurt breastfeeding mums, according to Early Childhood Australia. Research from the Institute of Social Science Research found that paid parental leave was beneficial to breastfeeding and aiding the critical early bond between parents and infants.


Slow down!
As children around Australia return to school this week, it is important to be careful when driving. School speed zones are designed to improve road safety and keep children safe, while accounting for things like increased traffic. Speed zone limits are clearly signposted so make sure you slow down.


Funding boost
More than a third of Australia's youth suicides are Indigenous, with Indigenous children making up 80 per cent of those under 12 who take their own lives. To help combat this, a community support service is set to receive a $10 million boost. Trialled in Western Australia last year, the project will expand to the rest of the country by 2018.


'Stop The Clock'
A new awareness website developed by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) NSW aims to 'Stop The Clock' on child abuse. Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Pru Goward, welcomes the campaign and states that the whole community has a role to play in creating safer environments for children.


Back to school immunisation
Are your child's vaccinations up to date? On-time vaccination offers the best protection against preventable diseases. And it not only protects your child, but safeguards others around your child too, including young babies and infants.


Everyone's Business
The Third Action Plan of Protecting Children is Everyone's Business: National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2009—2020 is now available. This National Framework aims to strengthen the abilities of families and communities to care for their children and young people.


Regulation extension
Regulation 238A has been extended from 31 December 2016 to 31 December 2017. This means education and care providers can continue to decide who their certified supervisors are without needing a separate approval from the regulatory authority.


Phonics assessment


On 29 January, Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham announced a proposal for a new national phonics assessment and the development of a numeracy assessment of children in Year 1 primary school. ECA is lobbying for an early childhood professional to be included in this panel of experts who will pilot this assessment. What is phonics and the controversy about? See ECA's The Spoke blog for an overview of the phonics controversy and purchase Every Child Vol. 22 No. 4 (2016) for a phonic article by academic Stacey Campbell. 


Use backpacks, avoid couch time

Children are returning to school this week and the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is urging parents not to worry about their children carrying a backpack of moderate weight as research has shown that weight-bearing activities can help to prevent back pain in adolescence; however, excessively weighty bags are not advisable. APA is also encouraging parents to create new healthy habits in 2017 such as walking to school with their children.


Shaping Spaces for Gen Z—International Forum

Hosted by Urban Synergies Group and University of Canberra, Health Research Institute, this international forum will focus on environments that foster healthy childhood development. Central themes will include physical inactivity, environmental design and the right to play and interact. The forum will be held in Canberra on 8 March 2017.


Vacant facilities tenders


Organisations are invited to apply for a lease to operate purpose-built early childhood education and care facilities co-located within specific schools. The successful lessees will deliver services based on the identified educational and/or health and wellbeing needs of families with children aged from birth to eight years. Tenders close 2.00 pm (Queensland time), 24 February 2017 for Early Childhood Facilities—Crows Nest, Goodna, Kawana Waters, Seaforth and Nanango. For more information and to lodge an application, go to the QTenders website and enter 'DET120117' in the search bar.


In state and territory news ...

New South Wales welcomes the new Minister for Early Childhood Education, Sarah Mitchell; the Palaszczuk Government has announced its plan to ensure continued safety in maternity services on the Gold Coast; it will now be cheaper, simpler and fairer for children in Victoria to travel on public transport; in Western Australia, the Liberal National Government has contributed more than $6 million to double the capacity of the Wooree Miya Women's Refuge—it will now accommodate up to 10 women and 30 children in crisis; an investment of $3 million by the Queensland Government will help to ensure children in care are supported in early education; and the first child has been born through the Australian Capital Territory Government's publically funded Homebirth Trial.

AJEC 1604 available now
Early Childhood Australia Learning Hub

Supporting bilingualism
The ECA Learning Hub team are pleased to announce the launch of the first in a series of studio-quality, on-demand webinars. 'Supporting bilingualism in early childhood' presented by Dr Ruth Nicholls is now available for purchase on the ECA Learning Hub website.

KidsMatter Early Childhood

Improving children's lives
On the Early Learning: Everyone Benefits family blog, Kinderling Host Shevonne Hunt praises early childhood educators as her daughter starts ‘big school’.
Want to write a blog about how you support children to learn? Contact Carolin Wenzel, Campaign Manager.

KidsMatter Early Childhood

Seeking feedback from families
At the beginning of the year (or anytime), obtaining feedback from your community is a great way to encourage connection with your EC service. One way of asking for feedback is using online surveys to seek input from families and educators. Click here to find effective ideas to seek feedback.

Early Years Connect

The Early Years Connect blog
Autism Queensland's Kris Jennings shares practical tips and advice on how educators can support the inclusion of children with additional complex needs from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds and their families, in the latest Early Years Connect blog.

Start Early

Positions available
Two positions are currently available at Early Childhood Australia: an Online Communications Officer and a Client/Sales Representative. Both positions close midnight this Sunday 5 February. Visit the ECA website for full position descriptions.

Early Childhood Australia Reconciliation Symposium

Don't forget to register!
Engage in facilitated discussions, reflect on key topics and discover practical tips that can have a lasting impact. Make a difference within your early years settings and communities by attending the 2017 Reconciliation Symposium. Register now for this interactive two-day event!

To view upcoming early childhood events and professional development opportunities, click here to visit the ECA events page.


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The opinions expressed in the articles and external links are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Early Childhood Australia.
ECA WebWatch—Issue 252, February 2017.
© Early Childhood Australia 2017 - All rights reserved