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The latest in early childhood news

Making news this fortnight…The federal government’s Stop it at the Start anti-violence campaign enters phase three; an international evidence review finds the world at a ‘tipping point’ in an early education and care ‘crisis’; and SNAICC announces the theme for National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day 2021. Early education advocates write an open letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison; the Grattan Institute urges Australian governments to invest more in service sectors; Settlement Services International launches its latest research on culturally diverse children; and Portuguese researchers seek the perspectives of educators on working through the pandemic.

Find the latest in state and territory news and jump down to read what ECA teams have been doing.
Stop it at the Start
On Monday 8 March, the Morrison Government launched the third phase of the national Stop it at the Start campaign to reduce violence against women and children. The third phase encourages adults to 'unmute' themselves by calling out disrespect, and take action to positively influence the attitudes and behaviours of young people.
Early education crisis 
National COVID-19 recovery plans must provide greater access to early education and care around the world to advance gender equality and support economic renewal, argues a new report from the International Development Research Centre, Evidence Review of the Global Childcare Crisis and the Road for Post-Covid-19 Recovery and Resilience.
Proud in culture  
The theme of National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day 2021 (August 4) is 'Proud in culture, strong in spirit’, SNAICC has announced. The day is dedicated to helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children achieve strong spiritual and cultural wellbeing.

Open letter to PM  

Last Thursday (11 March), a group of prominent sector advocates wrote to Prime Minister Scott Morrison calling for urgent reforms to address the causes of gender inequality in this year's Federal Budget. The letter calls for flexible workplaces and universally accessible high-quality early education to help women remain in and re-enter the workforce. Read it here.
Early education investment  
Australian governments should invest more in the service economy and make longer-term investments in early education and care to support women’s workforce participation and the economic recovery, according to the Grattan Institute. The public policy think tank made the case in a new report published last Sunday. 

Stronger Starts, Brighter Futures  

Join Settlement Services International on Wednesday 31 March for the launch of its research paper, Stronger Starts, Brighter Future, which highlights the need to increase the participation of and reduce barriers for culturally diverse children in early learning and development. The online event will feature a keynote address from the National Children's Commissioner, Anne Hollonds. 

The educator perspective

Researchers from Portugal are interested in the perspectives of educators and kindergarten teachers who have been working through the pandemic, particularly on adapting pedagogical practices to adjust to the contingency measures imposed by governments and national health agencies. Complete the questionnaire here.
Educator wellbeing resource 
A whole learning community working together can support educators to achieve their best possible mental health and find ways of reducing and responding to stressors. Download your copy of Planning for Wellbeing: mine, yours, ours.
ECA National Conference 
We’re excited to announce three exclusive ECA National Conference masterclasses taking place on Monday 6 September. Registration for all masterclasses is open to conference attendees. Limited spots are available!
New on The Spoke 
With the NQF review process underway, Caroline Cohrssen asks readers to tell us, what’s on your EYLF wish list? Plus, we summarise five helpful tips to lead your professional learning journey.
Engage in reflection  
Spark critical reflection with the ECA Box of Provocations. With 100 cards across 10 topics, this resource encourages deep thinking about pedagogy and practice.
ECA Code of Ethics 
Learn what the Code of Ethics means in practice with Ethics in Action, an essential guide that offers case studies, provocations and scenarios to help guide you through everyday ethical implementation.
ECA WebWatch—Issue 351, March 2021.